Member Registration Form

If you are or were an E.C.A. member before please contact [email protected] for renewal or change of address.
* Required field

MEMBERSHIP FEE: 120 € for 3 years
(Reduced fee for Eastern Countries and cytogenetic technicians: 30 € for 3 years)


Please see below the bank account details for wire transfers. You are kindly required to share the proof of payment with [email protected] after completing the transfer.
Bank Name:  T.Garanti Bank A.S.
Branch Name: Boğaziçi Ticari Branch (1666)
Account Name:    Dekon Kongre ve Turizm Hiz.A.S.
IBAN (EUR): TR46 0006 2001 6660 0009 0857 98

OR to :

Bank Name: SOCIETE GENERALE, Boulogne Billancourt
Account Name:    Pr Jean-Michel DUPONT
IBAN (EUR):          FR 76 3000 3037 4100 0372 7552 275

In the event of insufficient payment, the administration office will contact you regarding the remaining balance and share an invoice for the related amount.
Please make sure that the name of the member is clearly indicated on the bank transfer.